After several months locked away in my audio-booth, the audiobook is now live on Audible! I recorded the book with a King Bee mike and used the amazing ‘Reaper’ DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) to edit out most of the glitches. Listen to the sample below, then download the book to get the full 12 + …
PAPERBACK, HARDBACK, LARGE PRINT & KINDLE AMAZON UK – Paperback, Hardback and Kindle eBook AMAZON USA (Paperback, Hardback and Kindle eBook) AMAZON UK – LARGE PRINT PAPERBACK AMAZON USA – LARGE PRINT PAPERBACK AMAZON CANADA (Paperback, Hardback and Kindle eBook AMAZON Australia – Paperback, Hardback and Kindle eBook
This is the e-book cover of “Snapshots from Memory: the autobiography of a Greenock Academy Schoolboy.” Finishing touches are being added as we speak. Watch this space!